Daily Practice Resources
Clairs Energy Clear & Balance
Clear Energy Field: "Spirit Team. I humbly ask for your assistance... to clear my energy field... of ALL ENERGY that is not mine, does not belong to me, that is NOT FOR my highest and best self. I ask that you clear my physical body and all my energy bodies at this time. Please clear what is not meant for me in this moment, in all lifetimes, in all dimensions, in all realities from today to infinity. Let it be so. So be it. AMEN.
Ask Higher Self: (Name), what else do I need to do at this time to further clear my energy? Listen...follow and write down the 1st answer you hear, see, feel and or know.
Call Vital Force Energy back to You: "Spirit Team. I humbly ask for your assistance... to return ALL My Vital Force Energy NOW. I ask you to retrieve ALL my energy that has KNOWINGLY or UNKNOWINGLY been taken, removed or drained from my physical body and my energy bodies through an energy leak, opening, portal and or attachment. Please fill up my Vital Force Energy NOW to 100% Battery Life of the Highest Light from the Highest Beings...please return my energy to me and for me in this moment, in all lifetimes, in all dimensions, in all realities from today to infinity. Let it be so. So be it. AMEN.
Clearing Your Home: Go to each corner of each room from floor to ceiling...I call in ONLY the highest light of the highest beings into my home, my sacred space NOW. All other energy must leave now through the open door and or open window. You may NOT return for any reason. You have no permission to be here, you have no authority here...leave now. I cleanse and clear this space with the Intention of ONLY the highest light to remain FOR my highest and best self...for me in this moment, in all lifetimes, in all dimensions, in all realities from today to infinity. Let it be so. So be it. AMEN
Discernment Prayer
Cherie Nikosey
Clairs Corner Prayer for Discernment.
I call upon the Highest Good, and Greatest Love.
I welcome the wisdom of all the power I cannot see & the divine cosmos to wash over me.
Visualize a Mirrored Sphere facing outward, to reflect back any negativity or darkness you may encounter during your waking hours as well as sleeping hours. This mirror will bounce the negativity right back to the sender.
Only Love and light will penetrate this shield. This mirror, facing outward to repel negativity and darkness encompasses your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, astral bodies and entire auric field.
I pray for discernment.
I pray for clarity when discerning the dark vs.light
I pray for trust when discerning the dark vs. light.
I pray for guidance when discerning the dark vs. light.
I pray for confidence when discerning the dark vs. light.
I pray for inner knowing when discerning the dark vs. light.
I pray for courage to speak up when discerning the dark vs. light.
I pray for unconditional love when discerning the dark vs. light.
I pray those in the dark return to the light.
I pray that Divine Light shines upon our Clairs Corner Leadership team and illuminates their gift of discernment.
I claim the spiritual gift of discernment as I continue to walk my spiritual path and co-creator with God.
I seal myself in a giant sphere of God’s white protective light encompassing all.
And so it is.
In Jesus name, Amen.
Alone Time
Take time to recharge...regularly!
Clair's need to make self-care a priority daily, weekly, monthly to schedule "alone time" to recharge, decompress, center, ground, shield and protect.
Our energy is our responsibility...no one else's...it belongs to us.
1. Breathe...deeply releasing any need to be anywhere else...just "BE".
2. Ask..."what are my needs today?"...then write down what you hear.
3. Journal Dreams - before your feet touch the ground in the morning...stay still in the beautiful state of THETA...gently reach for your journal and begin to write...as you write ALL the dreams details will return...they will flood easily back to you. Be sure to take time to include your emotions, smells, temperature, textures, colors, locations, voices, faces, names and or details of conversations. Did it feel familiar? Is this a repeating dream? Leave space to return in a few days or weeks to ADD validations, meanings and connecting signs, symbols or other messages that link to this experience.
4. Hold a TEAM MEETING. ASK the highest beings of the highest light to step forward into your energy field...pause...you will feel a shift of the energy in your Auric Field...then ASK, "What messages do you have for me today?"...write what you receive.
5. Take a SALT bath! Take your time to soak your entire body...especially your CROWN...let it float for as long as you are comfortable. Allow the water and salt to clear, heal and restore you!
6. FORGIVE...say the beautiful Hawaiian Prayer of restoration and forgiveness - especially you...yes, forgive yourself for FORGETTING yourself. Repeat these 4 phrases until you experience emotional release:
"I am sorry"
"Please forgive me"
"I love you"
"Thank you"
These practices are essential in your daily spiritual walk. Respect you and your intuitive gifts. Practice Self-care and Self-love.
Love Letters
The Clair's Corner Members share their personal guided messages from source energy. We hope you enjoy! Link to content will be added soon!
For now, here is one of my personal channeled messages I received in January 2022...A Love Letter from Divine Source Energy...hope it speaks to you today for exactly what your soul needs. Blessings, Stacy