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Spirit Speaks to "Thank You"...

July 30, 2022

Hello Members,

We are here the end of July...Congratulations!

We have completed our 3rd Month of Service to our Highest and Best. We are here - gathering in great service to each other and ourselves.

Inner Growth - Inner Learning - Inner Wisdom

Spirit speaks to us and through us guiding gently with love and care and discernment for what needs to come forth next...for us!

See while "in-flow" - Flow, flows...this Divine, Interconnected Communication between us, the Soul and You, the Great Source of all Source, the all knowing, all seeing, all feeling, all healing Light of the One True Knower, Seer and Healer. This exchange is freely given and received.

"It's up to you to be open to my beautiful light. We must allow the old to fade be slough off, scrubbed, shed, peeled let the "New" to be made known and "Revealed". Step forward, forth my "Children of Light". For I have plans for YOU and your wonderous gifts are to be fully realized"!


This is what is being shed...This Stacy. Sitting Shoulder-to-Shoulder with her Soul's Teachers.

Today, August 1st, I can whole-heartedly say, "Thank you".

I am still learning to integrate this soul's lessons and choosing to leave these experiences where they are beautifully contained in yesterday.

They will be there if I need to access...yet I will no longer need to re-experience them, talk about them, linger in its energy...I can simply lay it to rest, with gratitude saying "Thank You for the Lessons" and turn around and walk forward without attachment to the outcome.

See, she no longer exists. Her journey as this person is complete. It is done. It is finished. It has served its role to bring me here to today. So are the 'teachers' placed in my path. They have all fulfilled their role. All experiences with them up till now... is done. They agreed to participate with my soul's journey to grow and mature my preparation for the real me to come forth...if I choose to accept it's invitation.

Yes, it is an you, in this lifetime.

You have 'free-will' to accept or decline this opportunity to grow Your Soul.

Today is where your book begins...


As we lean in to the month of August, let us ask..."Are we embracing our soul's invitation to grow?"

I would like to invite you to listen to a couple of our clubhouse rooms replays.

1. ~True Purpose of the Soul ~

The first room was held yesterday Sunday, July 31 with our Guest Speaker and fellow Lightworker Natasha Longmore, UK, "True Purpose of the Soul?" Replay is 135 minutes with 19 speakers and 128 listeners. We asked members to share their past life stories, experiences, memories and or dreams. Members were able to ask Natasha questions about these experiences. Hope you hear something significant for your own journey in this incarnation!

If you would like to connect with Natasha for a Past Life Reading...follow her link below or on Instagram at: @alwaysbelieveinmiracles

2. Channeled Readings ~ Today ~ "Ask a...Clair"

The second room is our channeled reading room a week ago Monday, July 25th. This room replay is 377 minutes with 29 speakers and 266 listeners. We asked members to donate for energy exchange and ask a question about their life...then we listen to their channeled message for their "highest and best" development! Remember: Messages are not always what we want to hear...yet serve us in the most amazing ways!

These rooms will have golden nuggets for you to listen. As with any of our clubhouse rooms we know that souls are guided in...if you feel led today, feel a nudge or prompting...this is your intuition speaking to "tune-in".

We here at The Clair's Corner - "Thank you" for following your guidance! We love you! We honor, celebrate and embrace your soul's journey along side ours!

Join our Clubhouse Room today:

Stacy Vaughan

Co-Founder, Editor

The Clair's Corner Clubhouse Club


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Nikilette Walker-Bowman
Nikilette Walker-Bowman
Aug 06, 2022

Stacy, this is so beautiful. The complete love, acceptance and release of the outcome and no meaning other than the experience to understand and serve others! YES!

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