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June 2022 A Collection of Guided Messages of Love...

Updated: Mar 17, 2023

I hope you enjoy this small sample of love and the amazing connection our spirit team desires to have with us. Encouraging us to experience unconditional love with one another.

After the June 12th and June 13th "A Clair...Reads" Clubhouse Room Discussions, it is evident Spirit intricately weaves their threads of divine love through our lives each and every day. This I know for certain. I feel its pure loving pulses expanding my heart guiding me into new unexplored territory called a soul's journey.

This tiny 3-5 minute read in our daily reading room is packing a mighty "hole-punch" into what we thought we knew about LOVE...Divine Love is indescribable, yet I will attempt to provide you additional reinforcements with the following (3) guided messages, love letters, provided by other intuitive light workers we know and love within our clubhouse community.

I shared my own personal love letter with you in my June 13th article, "A Love Letter", and many shared feeling triggered and or not resonating with the language of the message. So I decided to invite other letters into this space to offer the same underlying message, LOVE, yet through different perspective, words, language and metaphors.

My hope today is you read about love, unconditional love, source love... in a entirely new way....from my heart to yours.



Love Letter...from my Spirit Guides and the Angels

It took me a long time to understand that I did not know what it felt like to be loved, let alone what unconditionally love felt like.

In 2020, when I was asked to tell myself “I Love You,” while looking in a mirror, I could not say the words out loud. This made me feel sad, depressed, and confused as to why this was so difficult. The next morning in my meditation, I asked my Spirit Guides and Archangel Michael why it was impossible for me to say “I Love You” to myself.

During that meditation I was enveloped in an energy so powerful I cried. The energy continued in intensity until it became almost physically painful. My minds eye showed Archangel Michael taking me into his arms, gently holding me while telling me how much I was loved. How special I was. He reviled to me many wonderful stories of my time in Heaven. Archangel Michael is my Soul’s Guardian Angel.

He showed me a Bright Shinning Light, this is your Soul he said. He then went on to explain that he fell instantly in love with my Soul like a father witnessing his daughter being born here on earth. My heart felt so full, and I was crying so hard, I made no sound. The tears flowed like a stream down my cheeks and for the first time in my life I knew what love felt like.

My emotional heart had been so badly damaged starting at my conception, my mother rejected me in the womb, that over the next 50 plus years, I had created a wall so thick around my heart that nothing could penetrate it. This wall of protection was reinforced over and over again. Every time I opened myself up and allowed my self to trust, I would be betrayed. This included friends, family, and relationships of all types. These experiences reinforced the belief in my subconscious mind, that I was not worthy of love and God did not love me.

I look back at my life and see where my Soul and Spirit guides stepped in and led me to the books, courses, relationships, and mentors to keep me from giving up finding my way out of that deep pit of despair. Rejected by those who were meant to love me created a whole lot of subconscious patterns and beliefs. For too many years every time I hit the top rung of the ladder that would take me out of that hole, something would happen, and I would get pushed back down to the bottom. I can not tell you how many

times I saw the light, thinking that yes, this is it, I am safe now, only to be shown that I had created the same scenario in my life once again. Self Sabotage was my middle name.

I finally started asking myself the hard questions. I was done with narcissistic relationships in my life. I was done being a victim, I was done with having no boundaries and being taken advantage of. I was done digging myself out of that hole. I was getting out and staying out.

This is when the real work began and Spirit made sure I heard, read, participated, understood, comprehended, and created the changes that would need to be taken by me so that I could finally recognize the magic, and power of Self Love.

I want to explain that it took me thirty years of spiritual seeking, healing, taking courses, reading books, having other healers work on me emotionally and physically, for my heart to be released and the energy of vulnerability overwhelm my body, finally realizing what a gift vulnerability truly is.

We may not experience Self Love and Unconditional love for the first time with another human being but we can always experience it if we are willing to receive the gift of love from our Spirit Guides, Angels, and God.


Robynn Sheridan – The Self Love Emissary – Personal Mentor -

Clair's Corner Club Member


Her Guides Message of Love

You asked for a guided Love Letter.. I'm still not great at trusting or being completely open to do things like direct channeling, but I trust my feelings. These writings are an interpretation, if you will, of my feelings and meditations on Love. My journey has had its own movement and rhythm and this is the form it took on paper. It can be documented as such below..

New Commandments of Love 1. Know yourself - Begin with gentle observation without judgement. Seek to understand, accept, and make space for your emotions. Know your values, motivations, and triggers. Find, feel, and detect the difference between intuition and ego. Know your true self, know love. 2. Trust yourself - Have faith in who you are. Learn what faith is. Do not hold on to anything. Trust allows life to flow through its natural course. Faith is knowing that we will take the exact path that was needed, it was meant for you and you will never encounter anything that you couldn't handle. Leave room for love and mystery from the universe and from places you'd never expect. 3. Love yourself unconditionally - Find out what it really means to love yourself unconditionally. 4. Learn forgiveness - Unconditional love does not have room for shame or guilt. Give yourself and others some grace, love, and compassion. 5. Receive unconditional love - Keep yourself and your heart open to receive unconditional love. 6. Accept unconditional love - Know that unconditional love does not have any prerequisites. You are fully deserving of love. It can be difficult to believe that we are deserving of unconditional love, even our own. Connect and remember that you always have access to unconditional self AND universal love, it is the same. Your purest form is unconditional love. 7. Express love - Express love with your whole being! Use your body, mind, and soul to express and manifest love. Know love, see love, speak love, taste love, breathe love, feel love, be love, create love, give love, be loved. Shed what gets between you and your highest expression and love fiercely. 8. Know love - Experience and recognize love without a doubt. Recognize love in other forms, it can be known as honor and gratitude. Honor your body, it has been with you for your entire journey as the best witness of your existence and changing as you change. Honor your past experiences, they made you who you are. Honor your feelings, they have something to say. Honor by giving thanks. Honor your enemy, they may be your best teacher. See what lessons they have taught you. Give thanks to them for choosing the opportunity to learn with you. Experience what it really means to love and be loved unconditionally. Embody love, live love, know love. 9. Let love flow - Remember not to hold on to anything, give love freely. Send love out and it will easily flow back to you. Accept love with your body and mind. 10. Lead with love - Follow your heart. Live in Love.



Intuitive & Clair's Corner Club Member


A love letter from Divine to me Karma to you through me…

My Dear Curtis,

Can you hear me in the sounds of nature? The wind in the trees, the rain on your window, the bird song, The Haunting cries of wolf and coyote, the lap– lap – lap sound of waves on the shore, the crash of big waves striking Rock and coral, the buzz of mosquitoes, the boom of thunder oh, the vibrant colors of spring and summer, the purity of white in winter oh, the rainbows, the lightning, the clouds in the sky, sunsets and sunrises, the moon and the stars, the flowers, the scenery , and so much more…

Each a message. Sometimes deeper meaning, but mostly just a reminder that we are

connected to you, and you are connected to us. Nature is our phone line, television, our pen and paper. Your feelings are how we speak to you, and how you understand us.

Your feelings matter, if you take the time. When you feel the sense of wonder when you feel small but still significant, that is the reminder you are part of us. You are us and we are you.

You will know the truth of this just in the KNOWING. You feel connected, at peace, calm, full of wonder and awe.

In time, or at times, you will feel the energy of us. In the trees flowers. In the wonderous wild creatures of the words as you encounter them. Your sense of peace in their presence, curiosity at their arrival without fear of harm or threat. Your senses will guide you.

All this is your knowing our love for you. Our joy in your being. When we are with you in these times oh, your sense of feeling at home is our message that you are.

No matter your form oh, you are at home.

You are loved and we feel Your Love.

We thank you for connecting with us, giving us a voice, and a vessel through which to speak. When you smile and feel your joy, oh, you are sharing your light, which is our light, reminding those around you how to get together we are the love the world needs.

Blessings are always upon you, and you, and you…

When next you are in nature, pause. Smell the flowers. See the small things. Anyone can see the big things, the beauty is in the pause. Taking the time to see all there is. To gratefully thank it for presenting itself to you. Whatever it may be. Feel your feelings. Sense your sensations. Know your knowingness.

Our message is there for you.

We cannot wait for our next time together.

With Love,


Curtis Harren

Clair's Corner Member & Moderator

Founder, The Unconditional Man(TM) Movement

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Additional Notes & Links to Replay's:

We had (2) very special clubhouse conversations supporting this immense love from source:

In our June 12th room, The topic is titled, "The Heaven of Loving-Kindness". Judith writes on page 166, "You can create heaven in your life by infusing every day and every interaction with loving-kindness." She invites us to "practice the following meditation by directing loving-kindness to yourself. If you'd like to send it to another person simply replace "I" with "you"."

May I be happy

May I be well

May I be safe

May I be peaceful and at ease

In the June 13th room, The topic is titled, "The joy of uplifting Films". Judith suggests, "choosing the right one (film) will warm your heart and renew your spirit." I had been visiting a friend who invited me to watch the movie, "The Shack", on Netflix the night before this clubhouse room. She asked if I had ever seen it before in which I replied, "no". "Cool", she gasped and quickly started the film for us.

Little did I know how strongly it would resonate with our listeners and club members in The Clair's Corner the next day and how relevant its message ALIGNED with our website article, "A Love Letter"! Listen to Bret Petty, Club Member, share in the June 13th link below...YOU simply cannot make DIVINE Alignment up! LOL! Amazing!

Here is the links to listen to our room replays:

June 12th, The Heaven of "Loving-Kindness".

And, in our June 13th room, "The Joy of Uplifting Films".


Member & Contributor ~ Thank You!

What a beautiful 1st month of June here at The Clair's Corner website!

Today, we complete our first full month of offering meaningful content, supportive mentoring, channeled readings and intuitive development!

If you are reading this, you are making this loving project joined as a member, as early as April, from our daily clubhouse room supporting, celebrating, honoring individuals who experience sensitivities to Subtle Energy!

Thank you!

The Clair's Corner Team

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